Just Sharing Some Pictures Here For Friends And All To See. Please Feel Free To Leave Your Comments/ Suggestions/ Questions.
"Looking Through Her Eyes" has got nothing to do with a person. It is my camera.
Do feel free to contact me for any photography services for Events, Blogshops or even Voice Over Talent and Audio Engineering Jobs. :)

My Equipment
~Canon 10D
~Canon 1D Mk III
~Tamron AF 18-270mm F/3.6-6.3 Di II with VC
~Canon 24-70mm F/2.8 Mk II
~Canon 580 EX II Speedlite
~DIY Bounce Card

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Beauty In The Plainness of Life

Beauty In The Plainness of Life;
Sometimes You Gotta See Things As A Whole and Not through the minor fine details.
Looking at the details only makes it all so ugly. So rough.
But looking form a distance, you'll see the big picture. You'll see that those fine lines and cracks paint a beautiful image.

That's how it is with life. It's just when you think you know an image so well, that you must stop; take a step back and look at it from a different angle.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Photographers Photographing the Photographer
Butter In The City!
Modeling At Henderson Waves.
The Headstones At Fort Canning

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


The first picture, taken with a 400D from ITE AMK. First attempts on panning shots
The 2nd, taken at the Singapore Grand Prix

Saturday, July 2, 2011

All Alone...
The Key, A Present That A Friend's Mum Bought For Her 21st Birthday.
The Lamp, Played with the White Balance and Exposure Metering.

Life Size!
First Picture was taken in Hong Kong in some museum. It's a close up of a scaled model
With a compact camera borrowed from a friend

The Houseflies were taken in an A&W outlet in Malaysia.
With a Canon 400D. Taken in RAW and cropped.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friends United.
Taken from a drawing some of the kids in the choir did during a retreat in Aug 2010
Taken with normal exposure and edited in photoshop for the spotlight effect

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kranji War Memorial State Cemetery.
They Died For All Free Men

Playing with time

Friends Will Be Friends

Placed the camera on the floor and on timer. Did some cropping, used curves in PS and adjusted Exp levels
National Day Parade 2010 Singapore Police Force Guard of Honour

National Day Parade 2010 Singapore Police Force Guard of Honour